On September 13th, the final of the firstChinese “Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest for UniversityStudents in Guangdong venue was successfully held in Jinan University. At thefinal, each team made a 8- minute presentation about their project, focusing onproduct or service introduction, marketing analysis and positioning, businessmodel, marketing strategies, financial analysis, risk controlling, teamwork organizingand so on. After that, they were given 5 minutes for judges’ questions. Dividedinto two groups called “Creative Group” and “Practical Group”, these 50 teamswere expected to face a tough battle. Finally, 3 Gold Prize, 7 Silver Prize and20 Bronze Prize were produced among them. The good news is that Yimi and Anew,both teams on behalf of our school won the Bronze Prize in Practical Group.
Yimi Team |
Anew Team |
In the near future, 15projects in the contest will be selected to enter the National Final, accordingto the pre-determined quota.
Presentation Ceremony |
Attached Introduction:
What are “Yimi” and “Anew”?
“Yimi” (益米),set up in October, 2013 and registered as a company in May, 2014, aims at O2Oservices for school community. The team is mainly composed of post-90s. They persistin such a vision as “making the school life easy” and uphold the mission of “connectingall campuses”. In the present period, “Yimi” are concentrating on building aservice platform for “the last kilometer distribution” in campus, as well as realizingthe O2O services. They try every effort to provide high-quality services for theusers in the express segment. Users can easily enjoy their services withoutstepping outdoors.
Anew, set up in November, 2014 and got registered inApril,2015, is known for their core product-众学习远程协助平台.This is an online whiteboard based on design thinking, providing an online platformfor remote discussion and brainstorming visually for the companies who needremote cooperation. It’s helpful to generate ideas through their cooperation.At the same time, Anew hopes to connect a group of specialists in designthinking in order to promote and practise design thinking and innovative ideasbetter.